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Discouse Hub 🗣🇬🇧

6 příspěvků

Už 15 let pomáháme lidem mluvit anglicky komfortně a sebevědomě, připravujeme je na konference a rozhovory v angličtiny a razíme teorii, že chyby jsou důležitý proces učení. #practiseimperfect Zároveň pomáháme lidem s angličtinou na Instagramu a Facebooku, kde máme přes 20 tisíc sledujících.

🛋️ The Language Lounge 🛋️

131 Kč /měsíc

Improve your English, save valuable time and get weekly English activities sent straight to your inbox:

📺 videos and music

📚 articles and books

🏋️‍♀️ materials and exercises to practise

✊ early access to all things Discourse Hub

🌎 trending language topics from around the world

🇬🇧 and more!

But what about speaking? 🤔

Join us on Zoom once a month for an exclusive, 60-minute Forendors Meet & Speak. We will discuss themes and content related to your subscription and more. Expect:

🎤 pronunciation and grammar feedback from Jamie or Kat

🤝 to network with other English learners (stay motivated)

🗣 discuss fun, exciting and thoughful topics

🇬🇧 and to build your vocabulary and speaking fluency

The date for The Language Lounge’s Meet & Speak will be scheduled according to user vote.

But is The Language Lounge right for you?

The Lounge is suitable for anyone 16+ with a B1+ English level. Depending on your level and the type of content each week, you’ll get 15 to 30 minutes worth of practice.

Still not sure if it’s for you? Why not try it and find out? 🔎